Friday, November 4, 2011

Walmart Black Friday 2011 Deals Leaked

Walmart Black Friday 2011 Deals Leaked: Even as people are scarfing down the last of their Halloween candy, merchants are pushing forward to the Christmas shopping season. One online retailer -- -- isn't waiting until Black Friday to start laying on the deals.

It has opened what it calls a Black Friday Deals store -- one that will feature discounts of hundreds of gift items, such as cameras, video games, movies, tools, and what not. The deals are available from now until the day after Thanksgiving -- the real Black Friday.Walmart Black Friday 2011 Deals Leaked

Walmart’s Black Friday deals are tainted. Communist red china’s currency is not a free floating currency. Its value is pegged at a fraudulent rate. If an individual or company did that within china, he would face a firing squad. Mao-dzedung’s successors carry on trade with mao’s guerilla warlike approach, intent on imposing red china’s exports and hurting production and the economy in importing countries. Oct 2011 US Senate passed a bill imposing duties and penalties on imports from china. Per WSJ: “Last year (2010), the House approved by a strong bipartisan margin a similar measure in a vote that saw 99 Republicans vote in favor of the bill. In 2011, House Democrats are pushing the GOP leaders to allow a floor debate and vote on legislation again this year” In this 1 year period, it cost US $300 Billion in trade deficit. Now it will need to be voted again in the House, and unfortunately, politicians like Boehner are busy making statements opposing this Senate move.

Walmart is the biggest beneficiary of china’s fraudulently set exchange rate with the US dollar. Walmart knowingly took advantage of this and benefited immensely. Walmart has devastated American manufacturing and is now deceitfully reducing needed benefits to its employees in USA. Black Friday is get rich Friday for Walmart- thru devious imports.

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